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Jamaican dream
landrace backbone. Jamaican Dream relies on the potent sativas that grow in Jamaica’s highlands to deliver striking sativa effects. Although its exact genetic mix is not documented, this strain’s Spanish-based growers Eva Seeds tout its giddy energy and exceptionally short flowering time. Jamaican Dream’s potency has earned it top prizes in several European cannabis competitions. Its THC content has been measured at between 24 and 29%.

Jamaican Dream impresses right off the bat, with large, well-formed flowers. These nuggets tend to hold various shapes, roughly spadelike in some cases but irregular and chunky in others. The buds have a structure that seems to be dense at its core but raged around the fringes, with leaves that spiral outward and cling loosely to their central stems. The leaves themselves are a pale sea green, although some phenotypes of the strain show off eye-catching patches of purple; these surprising hues appear when cold weather activates anthocyanin pigments during the growing process. Finally, a crown of crystalline white trichomes covers these flowers, making them both potent and very sticky.


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